In the 1999 film, The Green Mile, John Coffey is a Stephen King character from literature, appearing in a motion picture. He is living in Great Depression America; he is a strange man with supernatural powers. Perhaps he is some sort of angel. He appears as a hulking black transient figure, who is soon condemned for a crime he did not commit.

John Coffey is also an empath with particularly potent abilities. He can feel the emotional state of those around him with a very high degree of empathy. Those he feels must be relatively close to him at least in the same general area. For example, he can sense those in his cell block, but not farther away than that, or in other blocks.

When he uses his empathic power on a subject, he can probe their memories and thoughts. Plus, with his abilities, Coffey is able to heal a wide range of injuries and diseases, from crushing injuries to systemic infections and cancerous tumors. He can even heal fatal wounds. When Coffey pulls the disease from his target, it manifests as a cloud of black, bug-like creatures, which Coffey then expels on his breath. They then disperse.

When Coffey heals a target, the lights and electronic equipment around him surge, radios squeal and bulbs often burst. Coffey finds that he likes to live in the perpetual “now”. But, eventually he gives up on living; he never sees his life getting any better. When he is killed, he is not protesting.

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