"Il Popolo d'Italia" ("The People of Italy") was an Italian newspaper which published editions everyday, with the exception of Mondays, founded by Benito Mussolini in 1914 after his split from the Italian Socialist Party. The paper was founded as a pro-war newspaper during WW1.

"Il Popolo d'Italia" ran from November 15, 1914 until July 24, 1943 and became the foundation for the Fascist movement in Italy after World War I. The paper, advocating militarism and irredentism, was subsidized by the French and industrialists on the pretext of influencing Italy to join the Entente Powers. The word “socialist” was displayed on the newspaper’s masthead until 1918 to attract followers to “his idea of a revolutionary war".

Mussolini often wrote anonymously for his newspaper, as when he mocked a proposal for an Italian copy of "Heil Hitler",or to spread his ideas about Italy increasing its birth rate. From 1936 to 1943 it was edited by Giorgio Pini.

Among the co-founders were Manlio Morgagni, who became an ardent supporter of Fascism and the chairman of the news agency Agenzia.

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