A kimono is in the picture. Over the years, it has become one of the best known Japan's trademarks. Originally, this Japanese word was for clothing generally but now it refers mostly to the traditional Japanese attire. In modern day Japan, people usually wear kimonos during different celebrations, such as weddings, ceremonies and traditional events. Black kimonos are also worn to funerals.

Kids in kimonos during Shichi-Go-San festival

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Kimonos as we know them today appeared during 794-1192 (the Heian period in Japanese history). From the Nara period (710-794) until then, the Japanese typically wore either ensembles consisting of separate upper and lower garments (trousers or skirts), or one-piece garments. In the Heian period, a new kimono-making technique was developed known as the straight-line-cut method where kimono makers did not have to concern themselves with the shape of the wearer's body.

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