The Paschal Triduum consists of three connecting religious days of observation in the Christian tradition. The first of the three days is Holy Thursday. On this day, observers recount the last supper of Jesus when he celebrated the Jewish Passover with his disciples. This is the time when Jesus announced that he would sacrifice himself for the sins of others. The words that he used when breaking the bread and sharing the wine at the Passover meal are the same, or similar to those used when commemorating the Mass in many Christian churches.

The second day of the Triduum focuses on the events of the crucifixion of Jesus. Observers often focus on the Gospels retelling the crucifixion of Jesus, and venerate a cross.

The third day is Holy Saturday. A vigil service is held after nightfall on Holy Saturday, or before dawn on Easter Sunday, in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. This is the greatest celebration for many Christians. This is a day that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus.

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