The total point value of all 100 tiles is 187.

Although all tiles have a value, some are worth much more than others. In Scrabble, you want to form as many high-scoring words as you can. Don't end up playing low-scoring words when other possibilities exist. "Ark" is worth 7 points, whereas "Are" is worth only 3. The numerical values of the tiles are distributed as follows:

■ A, E, I, O, U, L, N, S, T, and R are worth 1 point each.

■ D and G have a value of 2 points.

■ B, C, M, and P are worth 3 points each.

■ F, H, V, W, and Y are assigned values of 4 points each.

■ K is the only tile with a value of 5 points.

■ J and X both have a value of 8 points.

■ Q and Z are worth 10 points each.

There are exactly 100 tiles in Scrabble, but the distribution of the tiles is not even. There are more tiles for vowels than for most of the consonants.

Blank/Wild - 2 tiles

A - 9 tiles

B - 2 tiles

C - 2 tiles

D - 4 tiles

E - 12 tiles

F - 2 tiles

G - 3 tiles

H - 2 tiles

I - 9 tiles

J - 1 tile

K - 1 tile

L - 4 tiles

M - 2 tiles

N - 6 tiles

O - 8 tiles

P - 2 tiles

Q - 1 tile

R - 6 tiles

S - 4 tiles

T - 6 tiles

U - 4 tiles

V - 2 tiles

W - 2 tiles

X - 1 tile

Y - 2 tiles

Z - 1 tile

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