The Sicilian Mafia, also known as simply the Mafia and frequently referred to by members as Cosa Nostra (Italian "this thing of ours"), is a criminal syndicate in Sicily, Italy. It is a loose association of criminal groups that share a common organisational structure and code of conduct. The basic group is known as a "family" or "clan". Each family claims sovereignty over a territory, usually a town or village or a neighbourhood of a larger city, in which it operates its rackets. Its members call themselves "men of honour", although the public often refers to them as "mafiosi". The Mafia's core activities are protection racketeering, the arbitration of disputes between criminals and the organizing and oversight of illegal agreements and transactions.

Membership in Cosa Nostra is open only to Sicilian men. A candidate cannot be a relative of or have any close links with a lawman, such as a police officer or a judge. There is no strict age limit; boys as young as 16 have been initiated.

The most known members are Vito Cascioferro (1862–1945), Calogero Vizzini (1877–1954), Salvatore Riina (1930-2017), Salvatore Cappello (born 1959),Nitto Santapaola (born 1938).

Following waves of emigration, the Mafia has spread to other countries such as Canada and the United States.

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