The planet with the most moons in the Solar System is Jupiter, with a total of 65 confirmed moons (as of 2017). The last 2 moons found are JS 2016 and JS 2017, named Jupiter satellite and the year they were discovered. Of course, it’s always possible that more moons will be discovered orbiting Jupiter in the future, and that number will go up.

Eight of Jupiter’s moons are regular satellites, with 4 large, spherical moons, and 4 smaller moons that orbit closer to Jupiter. Jupiter has an additional 57 tiny irregular satellites.

The planet with the second highest number of moons is Saturn, with 61 moons. With such a close total, more moons could easily be discovered circling the rings planet, and push its total higher.

The next planet with a high number of moons is Uranus, with 27 known moons.

This is followed by Neptune with 13 moons, Mars with 2 moons, and then Earth with its single moon.

Mercury and Venus have no moons.

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