This is a representative of an Allosaurus, a carnivorous dinosaur (often mistaken for a Tyrannosaurus Rex) that lived about 155 million years ago in the Jurassic Period, predating the T- Rex by almost 90 million years. It stood 16' tall, about 40' long, weighed about 4 tons, and could run approximately 20 m.p.h.

The major difference between the T-Rex and the Allosaurus were the crests over its eyes. They are more pronounced in the Allosaurus.

This link show difference between the massive skull of the T-Rex and the size of the crests over it's eyes.

Tyrannosaurus Rex, perhaps the most famous dinosaur, lived in the late Cretaceous Period, approximately 68 million years ago. It was a carnivore that stood about 20' tall, weighed about 7 tons, and was about 40' long. It had over 60 razor sharp teeth about 5" long.

The Brachiosaurus lived about 156 million years ago during the Jurassic Period. They were massive animals that stood about 23 feet high, were 85 feet long and weighed between 30 through 80 tons.

The Stegosaurus also lived in the late Cretaceous Period along with the Allosaurus and the Brachiosaurus. They were slow moving herbivores who had a brain the size of a walnut. They are best known for their thick bone structures running the length of their body in for form of primitive spikes, used for protection, along with a mace like tail called a thagomizer.

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