The dog that Captain Ramsey (Gene Hackman) has in the 1995 movie "Crimson Tide" is named "Bear". Ramsey's dog is a Jack Russell Terrier which is considered to be a very intelligent breed of dog by well known dog experts.

"Crimson Tide" is a tense psychological drama where action is used to catapult the story to different levels. Gene Hackman masterfully brings his character to a boil in reaction to the actions of his first officer, Denzel Washington. From the initial discontent, to the awkwardly concealed irritation, and finally to a fist-throwing fury scene, he wants to be seen as totally correct in all that he does.

Denzel Washington as Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter displays smartness, coolness, respect and intellect, and sometimes physical tenacity towards his captain. Subtleties and innuendoes are used by the captain and first officer when they do talk. The captain however does yell, punch and wants to lock crew members up when he is faced with a mutiny (remember the "Mind your f***ing panel!!" scene). This movie is one that looks at human psychology and comes through as a compelling tale where Bear (the dog) help us to see various shades of his master true nature.

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