Operation Torch was the code name given to the American and British invasion of French North Africa. American and British forces landed on the beaches of what was then French Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia on November 8, 1942. These territories were under the control of the Vichy French government, and had 125,000 troops stationed throughout the region. Vichy France was technically an enemy of the United States and Great Britain. However, the Americans and British believed that the Vichy French forces would not fight against the invading forces. France had been a former ally prior to being invaded by Germany in 1940. Though some American and British forces invaded the wrong beaches, this was a nonissue because of the extremely low level of French opposition. Casualties were relatively low for an invasion of this size and allowed the Americans and British to establish a western front in North Africa to defeat the Axis powers of Germany and Italy.

More Info: en.wikipedia.org