In 1927, the human population rate in the world went from over 1 billion in 1804 to over two (2) billion. It was expected, and it did keep growing. There were significant changes in both the birth rates and death rates. Specifically, net reproduction rates appropriately increased from 19th to the 20th century.

Conversely, population bottlenecks did not prevent the global population from growing during 1804 to 1927. There were no sharp and permanent reduction in the size of the total population due to environmental events (such as earthquakes, floods, fires, disease, or droughts) or human activities (such as war and genocide).

The total number of humans living in 1927 was able to reach 2 billion. Thankfully, with better healthcare and new discoveries to the practice of medicine, the world population was able to experience continuous growth within the 123 years that actually elapsed.

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