Nick Bradshaw, Call Sign Goose, was Maverick's R.I.O., or Radar Intercept Officer. While clearly able to enjoy himself and have a good time, Goose was clearly more level headed than his partner Maverick, which is shown through his family and slightly more serious personality. He's a skilled R.I.O. and married to Carol, a fiery young woman with whom he has a son. His signature saying, 'Great Balls of Fire', originated from the 1950s' song he plays on the piano in the middle of the movie.

In the opening scenes of the film, Goose and Maverick go face to face with a Russian pilot of the Mig-28 that acquires a missile lock on their wingman, Cougar. After receiving orders to 'not fire until fired upon', Maverick puts the plane into an inverted dive, placing their F-14 upside down directly above the MiG-28. He even snaps a shot of the pilot with his camera after Maverick gives him the finger.

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