Nicknamed the "Crookedest Street in the World," Lombard Street in San Francisco is a unique attraction, whether you are driving down the winding street or watching others traverse from out of a window. With eight hairpins turns down a seriously steep slope, the scenic switchbacks of Lombard Street flow past beautiful Victorian mansions and flower boxes and offer amazing views of the city.

This street was built with eight sharp curves because it is so very steep. If someone were to go down a straight street at that angle, it would be dangerous, so the curves prevent anyone from reaching a speed that could hurt or kill a driver.

On Lombard Street, it is great fun to watch cars approach, some with trepidation, as they peak over the edge, basically at the point of no return, and take the plunge. Walkers are full of laughs and giggles as they watch the cars and each other, snapping endless photos. Maybe the most fun is watching a tour bus traverse the curves. Taking a ride or walk down Lombard Street in San Francisco, once is not enough. It has to be done several times, and then at least one more time to truly enjoy the pure fun of what is happening on the "Crookedest Street in the World."

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