The cayenne pepper is a type of Capsicum annuum. It is usually a moderately hot chili pepper used to flavor dishes.

The word "cayenne" is thought to be a corruption of the word "quiínia" of the Old Tupi language once spoken in Brazil, which means pepper. It is probable that the place Cayenne in French Guiana was named after the peppers, not vice versa, although it is commonly claimed that the pepper was named after the city. English botanist Nicholas Culpeper, for example, uses the word "cayenne pepper" in 1652, and the city was only renamed as such in 1777. It also is possibly named for the Cayenne River.

Nicholas Culpeper in his Complete Herbal, 1653, mentions cayenne pepper as a synonym for what he calls "Guinea pepper", although he refers to Capsicum peppers in general in his entry.

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