The William Shakespeare play with the highest body count concerning central characters is "Titus Andronicus". It is true to say that Shakespeare doesn't have a play that is more of a blood bath than "Titus Andronicus". It’s number one for crime, death, and drama. Thought to be Shakespeare’s first big tragedy, it features executions, assassinations, rape, cannibalism, murder, dismemberment, and heaps of revenge. It is the winner concerning the body count of its central characters with fourteen. It has five acts of spectacular storytelling!

The play "King Lear" with its body count takes second place. It has an impressive ten central characters killed. Almost no main character is left alive at the end of the play.

The body count in "Hamlet" is next with nine bodies killed. An accidental stabbing, drowning, and lots of poison is used in this play to do away with the main actors.

Fourth on a list of Shakespeare's plays with eight dead at the end of the drama is "Macbeth". This play is filled with paranoia, ghostly forms, and prophecies. It has the perfect recipe for disaster and intentional death.

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