Michiganians, especially fans of the University of Michigan, take pride in being called Wolverines. Yet, the wolverine has never been officially adopted as the state animal. It is even unclear if this largest member of the weasel family ever lived in Michigan. Wolverines also don't have a good image. Their nicknames include Skunk Bear, Mountain Devil, and Evil Spirit. One person even claimed that a wolverine “makes a Tasmanian Devil look like a sissy.”

The most popular origin of the nickname comes from the 1835 Toledo War between Michigan and Ohio. Since a wolverine has a reputation of being ornery, Ohioans called Michiganians “wolverines” as the two sides struggled over who owned the disputed Toledo Strip. Years later, the University of Michigan adopted the wolverine as its school mascot.

Today, wolverines live in cooler climates, like the northern portions of Europe, North America and Asia. They have thick, glossy, dark brown fur. Wolverines have patches of white fur, which is why they are often confused with skunks.

More Info: absolutemichigan.com