The person who accused President Ford of playing football too long without a football helmet was LBJ (President Lyndon Baines Johnson). While he was working in the U.S. Congress, some political opponents sometime referred to Ford and his past efforts as an athletic. A memorable quote from then President Lyndon B. Johnson was made about Representative Gerald Ford, the future 38th President of U.S. LBJ like to say Ford had, “played too much football without a helmet.”

President Ford was a person who lived a successful and meaningful life. After graduating from the University of Michigan in 1935, Ford received two offers from NFL professional football teams, the Green Bay Packers and the Detroit Lions. Instead of playing the sport, he went to work at Yale University as a boxing coach and assistant football coach. There he got into law school in 1941.

In November 1948 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for Michigan's Fifth Congressional District. He served in the House of Representatives from January 1949 until December 1973. On October 12, 1973 Ford was named vice president under Richard Nixon after U.S. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew resigned.

In August 1974 President Richard Nixon submits his resignation as president to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The next day on August 9, Gerald Ford became the 38th president of the U.S. when Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger gave him the oath of office. The Ford Presidency let the country heal.

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