Tobias is trapped in a red-tailed hawk morph in the first book of Animorphs. During this series, Tobias regains the power to morph, but his true natural form becomes that of a hawk. He admires Jake because Jake always showed him respect and kindness. He did this when no one else would. He also in time develops a close friendship with Ax (an Andalite who is thought to be the only survivor of a bloody outer space battle).

Tobias initially has low self-esteem and is often bullied in school before becoming an Animorph. With both his parents dead, he lives with his aunt and uncle who share custody of him.

Throughout the series, Tobias works with the other main characters who are: Jake, Marco, Cassie, Rachel, and Ax. They are the key characters that obtained the ability to transform into any animal that they touch. They call themselves "Animorphs" (a portmanteau of "animal morphers"). They use their ability to battle a secret alien infiltration. It is a parasitic race of aliens resembling large slugs, called Yeerks. The Yeerks are trying to take over complete control of the Earth.

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