In February 1848, "The Communist Manifesto", written by Karl Marx with the assistance of Friedrich Engels, was published in London by a group of German-born revolutionary socialists known as the Communist League. Engels had been born in November 1820, Barmen, Rhine province, Prussia (Germany). He died in August 1895, London, England. The German socialist philosopher was the closest collaborator of Marx in the foundation of modern communism.

Karl Marx (1818—1883) was a philosopher, author, social theorist, and economist. He is famous for his theories about capitalism, socialism, and communism. Marx later in his life wrote "Das Kapital" (the first volume was published in Berlin in 1867; the second and third volumes were published posthumously in 1885 and 1894, respectively). "Das Kapital" is a book that presented a great challenge to laissez-faire economics.

Many of Marx's critiques about capitalism and those favoring socialism and a communist revolution appear to remain relevant today in certain parts of the world.

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