The Shadow started out as host and narrator of the “Detective Story Hour", a radio program produced by Street and Smith Publications (S&S) to boost sales of its “Detective Story Magazine”. It first took to the airwaves on July 31, 1930.

Listeners began to ask for the magazine with stories about The Shadow, but there were none. So S&S hired Walter B. Gibson to create a character and develop a concept based on just two elements: the name “The Shadow”, and the voice of Frank Readick Jr., who opened and closed every Detective Story Hour. “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” and “The weed of crime bears bitter fruit! Crime does not pay. The Shadow knows!” were spoken by Mr. Readick.

The Shadow crime-fighter first appeared in “The Shadow Magazine” on April 1, 1931. “The Shadow” radio drama first aired on September 29, 1937. From there, The Shadow spread to comic books, newspaper comic strips, films, and more. The character laid the foundation for comic-book heroes to follow, most notably “Batman.”

While The Shadow had the power to “cloud men’s minds,” Professor Charles Xavier—Professor X, who founded Marvel’s X-Man and was a powerful telepath—could enter and control a human mind. Princess Diana of Themyscira—Wonder Woman of DC Comics and a goddess—used her “magic lasso” to force people to tell the truth. In “The Romance of Helen Trent,” a soap opera that ran on CBS Radio from 1933 to 1960, Helen had nothing but her woman’s intuition.

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