"Portrait of Gala with Two Lamb Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder" is very miniature portrait, its size is only 6.8 × 8.8 cm. But it represents a full and stylistically perfect picture and is very accurately verified compositionally. This small canvas is saturated with scrupulously drawn details, which, however, add up in a surrealistic fantasy.

The scene of the painting is an abandoned courtyard. Half-ruined walls, a collapsed well, ruins, debris. The entire left side of the picture is occupied by a female head, depicted in close-up. This is Gala, the wife of Salvador Dali. Her eyes are closed, a slight smile on her lips. On high cheekbones is a blush, lips are tinted. On the shoulder of Gala – a round tanned female shoulder – breaking the law of attraction, balancing two mutton ribs. Dali himself said that he painted in the picture two things that he loves: his wife and mutton chops on the ribs.

More Info: painting-planet.com