Abraham Lincoln won only 39.8% of the popular vote in the 1860 Presidential election. He, however, easily won the Electoral College with an overwhelming 180 votes, carrying 18 states. Of the four electoral votes in N.J., Lincoln received three. His party, The Republicans, took a firm stand against the expansion of slavery into new territories. The South, fearful, of losing political power seceded from the Union, as a result, leading to the Civil War. John C. Breckinridge, a Southern Democrat, received 18.1% of the popular vote, 72 electoral votes, and carried 11 states. John Bell received 12.8% of the popular vote, 39 electoral votes, and carried 3 states. His party, the Constitutional Union Party, sought to side step the question of slavery and promoted the importance of the maintaining the Union. Stephen A. Douglas, of the traditional or Northern Democratic Party, received 29.5% of the popular vote, 12 electoral votes, and carried one state. He received one vote of the four N.J. electoral votes.

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