Joseph Kelly was a boarding master in Portland, Oregon; it was his job to find crews for ships. As a boarding masters, he was paid "by the body". Thus, he had a strong incentive to place as many seamen on ships as possible. Payment was called "blood money"; and, it was a very good source of revenue for a crimp (abductor).

Accordingly, a boarding master (crimp) such as Kelly, would use trickery, intimidation, or violence to put a sailor on a ship. In his own words, Kelly stated that he collected (Shanghaied) about 2,000 men and women during his 15 year career, beginning in 1879. He once set a record for crimping, by rounding up 50 men in 3 hours. In 1890, he made about 10,000 dollars for his work equivalent in 2015 to about 290,000 dollars.

Kelly was never arrested for crimping or shanghaiing people. He was however arrested for murder in 1894; he was convicted in March 1895. He went to prison in Salem, Oregon and was released in 1908. Later, he published a book about prison.

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