The Romans usually treat their traditional stories as historical, even when having mythical elements. Romulus, along with his twin brother Remus, are said to be born of a vestal virgin, with the god Mars fathering them. Through their mother they were said to be of Latin and Greek nobility.

They ended up being abandoned as babes, and being suckled by a she-wolf. Eventually, they were rescued by a shepherd and his wife, and grew to be men.

At which time, learning of their origin, they set out to establish a city of their own. There was an argument about which hill to build on, and Remus ended up dead.

Romulus founded the city of Rome in 753 B.C. upon Palantine Hill, then established Rome's institutions, governments, military and religious traditions. It was an absolute Monarchy, and 6 more kings were to follow. Romulus ruled for many years as Rome's first king.

The last, 7th kingship of Rome ended in in 509 B.C.

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