The year was 1969 and Billy Preston who was signed to the Beatles record company sat in with the Beatles and played keyboards, although he did not get writing credits he did make up all the keyboard music he played. The song credit read The Beatles with Billy Preston.

William Everet Billy Preston born September 2, 1946- June 6 2006. He was an American musician who's work included R&B, Rock, Soul, Funk and Gospel. He played the Hammond organ backing Little Richard , Sam Cook, Ray Charles, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Eric Clapton.

As a solo artist he had everlasting hits, which are known and loved even today, such as "That's The Way God planned it", "Out of Space ", "Will it go round in circles", "Space Race" and "Nothing From Nothing ".

He also co wrote the song "You Are So Beautiful". Billy wrote the phrase "If You Can't Be With The One You Love, Love The love the One You're With ", which Crosby, Stills and Nash asked to use and turned it into one of their biggest hit songs.

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