Who was the youngest of the disciples of Jesus?
Many envision of the disciples as being in their thirties, like Jesus. However, from Scripture and other writings, theologians have deduced that the disciples were, in fact, young men. First, to be a student of a rabbi required youth. Second, many did not pay taxes, which was legal for youth, especially working with their father, like James and his brother John (Matt 4:21-22).
John the Beloved is generally believed to have been between 16-18 when he was chosen by Jesus as a disciple. The main reason for this is the fact that John lived to at least 96 AD when he wrote the Book of Revelation. Revelation was written 63-66 years after the crucifixion. Therefore, either John lived uncommonly long for the average age of the time period, or he had to be very young at the time Jesus was around. The latter is accepted by most theologians, and therefore, along with other evidence, the youngest of the disciples.
John was the disciple that Jesus loved (John 20:2; 21:24) and whom Jesus entrusted the care of His mother while He was dying on the cross (John 19:25-27). John wrote the Gospel of John, three epistles (1 John, 2 John and 3 John), and the Book of Revelation.
He was exiled to the Greek Isle of Patmos by Roman authorities, where he died of old age around 100 AD. John was the only apostle who was not violently martyred.
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