Thusnelda (c. 10 BC - unknown) was a Germanic noblewoman who became the wife of Arminius. Arminius, her cousin, orchestrated a revolt against Rome while serving as a general in the cavalry auxiliaries under Publius Quinctilius Varus. Arminius's coalition of Germanic tribes lured the legions of Varus to near-annihilation at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD. This disaster stifled future ambitions of Rome to conquer Germania.

Thusnelda's father, Segestes, an ally of Rome, wanted to give her to someone else, but Arminius abducted and impregnated her. In May 15 AD Thusnelda was captured by the Roman general Germanicus, grandson of Augustus and nephew of Tiberius, who commanded a punitive raid against the Germanic tribes. She was brought to Rome, and lived out her life as a captive.

Thusnelda's memory lives on today through the German word "Tussi" a rough equivalent to the English word "Bimbo."

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