The two former officials of President Nixon's re-election committee, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt Jr. were held to be the leaders of the 1972 "Watergate Break-in". These men (Liddy and Hunt) organized and directed the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate building in May and June 1972. After five of Liddy's operatives were arrested inside the DNC offices in June 1972, subsequent investigations of the Watergate scandal led to President Nixon's resignation in 1974. Liddy and Hunt were both convicted of burglary, conspiracy, and wiretapping in federal court.

Liddy, Hunt, and others were a team of covert operatives, and they were charged with identifying government sources with national security information that they could obtain and provide as "leaks" to outside parties. Hunt and Liddy plotted the Watergate burglaries and other clandestine operations for the Nixon administration. With the ensuing Watergate scandal, they hoped that they could overcome any problems by pointing to others and lying to the American public. Their efforts all failed.

Notwithstanding their actions in the 1970s, these two guys, after they served their time in prison, found some celebrity and fame doing popular debates, writing books, and hosting radio or TV shows.

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