In middle lane Russian cuckoos throw eggs to different families of birds: kinglets, nightingales, swifts, sparrows and many others. In Europe, they are mainly taken by redstarts, wagtails, shrike and warblers.

There are several varieties of cuckoos, which differ in the number of offspring tossed. So, a crested female leaves from 2 to 4 eggs in someone else's nest, and an ordinary female leaves only one. From May to July, the cuckoo lays about 10-20 eggs.

The process of throwing up is also different. Some individuals throw out an egg on the fly, others put it on the ground, and then carry it in their beak. Before the cuckoo tosses her baby, she scares the mother hen away from the nest. Crouching under the crowns of trees, it loudly flaps its wings or imitates the cries of birds of prey. The foster mother flees as the cuckoo throws an egg into her house. The unfortunate mother takes the real egg with her or eats it so that the parents do not notice the catch.

Birds throw eggs in different nests, having previously selected the size and color so that the stranger is not detected. It is not difficult to do this, because their color is diverse: white, blue, pink, blue, brown, speckled, intricate pattern. And the sizes are small: about 20 by 15 cm. And yet, sometimes foster caregivers find a “not their own” egg and throw it away, dooming the chick to death.

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