The quote here has been attributed to both Oscar Wilde and to Will Rogers. But nobody has any evidence of them saying it. The earliest use of the quote: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression" was noted in print in a 1966 Madison Avenue advertising slogan in an ad for Botany Suits.

But it is now often called the Head & Shoulders rule: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." We understand that most of the time in business ( as the Heads & Shoulders Shampoo ad showed) you don't get a second chance to make a first impression, and yet that simple fact of life is by no means as obvious and well-understood a phenomenon as it should be. Since we are talking here about real life, there are no second acts, rehearsals or do-overs. It is critical to make sure that the first impression people have of you and your business is at least favorable - and ideally - fabulous.

Even back in the 1980s, the Head & Shoulders shampoo motto: “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” let people know that they would initially be judged for their appearance. People were told to keep this point in mind; everything else would then appear secondary.

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