What are some stupid clichés in movies that wouldn't happen in real life?
1 ) The ethical popular kid inviting the loner to the lunch table.
Popular kids don’t take risks. Conformity is a contributing factor towards their elite rank. Doing this shakes up the status quo and puts their good standing in jeopardy. How do they stay where they’ve always been? By doing what they’ve always done.
2 ) The lighting rod epiphany that turns a cautious dweeb into a fearless warrior overnight.
This cliche is particularly rampant in action movies. Usually someone close to them gets killed or they’re the recipient of absurdly bad luck. Don’t get me wrong. People definitely change. But not that fast. There’s a fierce desire within us to replicate the same average experience we had yesterday. Change is gradual and a game of inches. Unless radioactive spiders are involved, zero to hero stories within a 24 hour cycle simply don’t happen.
3 ) A group of characters locking arms and singing Kumbaya immediately after settling a dispute.
Resolving conflicts is loud and exhibitory in movies. The characters sing a song or perform a surprisingly elaborate dance number for two people that haven’t spoken for months. In real life, settling conflict is quiet and uncomfortable. People go home and reflect. Ponder the exchange. Turning resolution into display art isn’t even a thought that arises.
4 ) Slow claps.
This one hurts because I’m a staunch supporter of the phenomena. I genuinely wish there were more instances of slow claps in real life. I’ve always wanted to start one myself but never had the balls. They get me every time in movies. One person creating a ripple that eventually culminates into a tidal wave. That’s what it’s all about. One man really can change the world. Or at least the vibes at an intramural basketball game.
This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.
Can you name more stupid movie clichés? You are welcome to share your thoughts in the comments below!
#Society #psychology #Movies & TV #Quora
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