5 LIES School Taught You!
When I was in school, there were a lot of things that my teachers told me not to do that research has since shown to be actually beneficial for students. Read the article if you’ve noticed some drawbacks in schooling as well!
Lie #1 Texting friends is a waste of time
Actually, research shows that texting can actually improve language skills. The earlier you start, the better it works, because research shows that the better your texting skills, the better your reading and writing skills. The reason for that is because kids aren’t texting these days instead of writing short stories and poetry. Kids are texting instead of not doing anything at all. Let’s be honest. How many of you would willingly write stuff out if email and texting didn’t exist?
Lie #2 Chewing gum in class is a distraction
Chewing gum helps you focus and concentrate, as well as relieve stress and tension. Believe it or not, even the military uses gum to help soldiers stay sharp, and if that wasn’t impressive enough, gum can actually increase your memory as much as 35%.
Lie #3 Listening to your iPod distracts from your studying
Music can be used to improve your studying if you use it correctly. The music doesn’t have to be Mozart, but it should be instrumental and moderately paced. Listening to music while studying blocks out annoying distractions, which increases performance and helps you relax and concentrate.
Lie #4 Doodling in class is counter-productive
Doodling is the exact opposite of what most people think. By preventing the brain from going into a coma during really boring things, such as lectures, it actually helps you to concentrate a lot more than a non-doodler.
Lie #5 Daydreaming is a waste of time
While daydreaming may seem like pure procrastination, it’s actually a very useful thinking tool. It helps to unlock huge chunks of our brain, which can help with problem solving and breakthroughs.
Have you ever noticed that when you’re concentrating really hard and you’re stressed about something, it just seems like nothing is quite getting through? That’s basically because you’re shutting down your brain because you’re thinking so hard. Sometimes solving a problem requires you to stop concentrating on that problem and just let your mind drift.
Can you enlarge this list with some other things that are actually useful for students? Write about your school days and things you were punished for?
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