Popular stories and facts

Here you will find our users’ most favorite facts and stories. As they’ve been already checked out by 10 million people, don’t hesitate and check them out too. You may also like the most popular tests and quizzes to learn more about your personality and psychology.

Future is Now: 8 incredible events that are going to happen until 2050 10/11/2017

Time flies. The first half of the 21st century is going to end in about 30 years! As it turns out, even now we can predict some important events that are going to happen until 2050... Here are the most interesting of them today.

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#Culture #Science #History #Society


17 photos that will drive any perfectionist crazy 8/26/2020

Perfection. It sounds great and it looks great. Nowadays more than ever we’re flooded with it on our Instagram and Facebook feeds, in ads, and in glossy magazines. We are used to perfection. That is why, some photos of non-perfection make us feel uncomfortable. QuizzClub Community is sure that these 17 photos will annoy the perfectionist in you! Keep on watching!

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#Society #funny #photography

10 colorful houses from all over the world will brighten your day 9/20/2019

Everyone wants to make his or her house a better place. We all try to decorate our houses according to current fashion, our tastes and mood. These people came further and made their houses bright not only inside but also outside. Walls of different colors, beautiful ornaments, graffiti - the list of the techniques these people used is almost unlimited. It all depends on the imagination and courage of the owners of these houses.

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#Geography #Society #inspiration #photography

What life was like during the Great Depression – 10 devastating facts 2/16/2020

Even decades later, the consequences of the most severe economic depression in the Western world still affect our lives. Here are some of the most shocking and interesting facts about the Great Depression.

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#History #Society

These 10 pictures of women who changed history will definitely inspire you 6/13/2017

Women are awesome! Here are the pictures of those who proved that they can be equal to men in any sphere of life. You can't miss this!

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#Society #female #inspiration

The flower you choose will say a lot about your personality 6/15/2018

The things you like and choose can say a lot about your true nature. Take this simple visual test to find out more about your personality.

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#Society #psychology

Folding paper: interesting facts 10/4/2017

Paper folding is not just time-spending activity, it's an ancient Japanese art. Let's us see what it's all about. You may have never heard about it!

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#Culture #art #inspiration

Animal facts that will definitely shock you 7/25/2019

You have seen a lot of amazing animals and learnt many surprising facts about them. But do you know what sounds baby rhinos make or who is the closest relative of elephants?

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#animals #knowledge

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