8 types of noisy neighbors. Find yours
Oh, you know that neighbor who lets their dog bark at 5:00 a.m. or the one constantly revs the engine… How about the noise because of that neighbor’s parties? There is music till all hours of the night and they don’t ever invite you. QuizzClub’s community reveals 8 loudest types of neighbors compared to the loudest animals on Earth.
Are you lucky to live in a quiet neighborhood? Or are your neighbors the loudest people on earth? Here is the list of 8 loudest creatures that can be compared to people who make your life unbearable.
#1 Howler Monkey (90 decibel)

These large New World monkeys are found in the forests of Central and South America. As you can guess from their common name, they’re famous for the howling vocalizations they make. In fact, vocal communication is the foundation of their social behavior. Males can make deep guttural growls throughout the day. Does that sound like your neighbors?
#2 Water Boatman (99 decibel)

This is a miniscule insect that measures about two millimeters long. The males of this species are known to make the loudest noise of any animal proportionate to its size. They remind us of those little noisy ladies in the neighborhood that are a pain in the neck.
#3 Common Coqui Frog (100 decibel)

These small frogs get their name from the loud mating calls made by the males. There are 16 known species of them scattered throughout the Caribbean. However, only 2 species make the strident calls. When males compete for the same mates at the same time, the sound can become deafening and it lasts from sunset till dawn. Sounds like a teenage party in the neighborhood.
#4 Spotted Hyena (112 decibel)

This creature is more commonly called the Laughing hyena because some of its vocalizations can sound like maniacal human laughter but they can also make many other noises including whoops, growls, giggles and groans. Do you remember those bad high school garage bands? Sounds pretty similar.
#5 Golden Retriever (113 decibel)

If you have a dog that likes to bark, you already know how ear-splitting it can be but a golden retriever called Charlie set a record in 2012 for the loudest dog bark at 113 decibels that made him sound louder than a pneumatic drill. Well, just imagine a neighbor with a constantly barking dog and "never-ending" construction projects.
#6 Kakapo (132 decibel)

Endemic to New Zealand, these are ground-dwelling birds that have a few claims to fame in the avian world. In addition to being the only flightless parrot, they are also the heaviest. When matin season is in full swing, the males create loud booming noises up to 8 hours a night over 4 months.
#7 Greengrocer Cicada (150 decibel)

This insect occurs throughout southeastern coastal regions of Australia. At about 1.6 inches long (4 cm) they’re colored mostly green and have red eyes. They are usually heard over the summer months and serve as a way to attract mates.
#8 Blue Whale (188 decibel)

Let’s start with the fact that it’s the largest animal ever known to exist. Ever. So you might imagine that these beasts have the loudest voices in the animal kingdom as well. Vocalizations made by blue whales have been documented at 188 decibels which is louder than an exploding grenade. Anybody leap to mind?
Have you found your neighbors in the list? You can continue it in the comments below! Don’t forget to share the article on Facebook :)
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