10 magnificent architectural edifices that got lost as the modern world developed

Today we bring you glimpses of how the world was before modernization came around.

Surely, these pictures must have fascinated you, especially if you are an architecture buff. Which one got you thinking the most? Tell us in the comment section below.

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#Culture #History


What are your thoughts on this subject?
These pictures had me shaking my head in disgust. Either by war or modernization man has destroyed some beautiful architectural wonders. #2 the bridge in Germany was magnificent & now it's ridiculous. I hate modern buildings & homes.
Jul 6, 2021 6:28PM
Elizabeth Guite
Beautiful photos , very interesting & quite sad how beautiful things are gone either by war or modernisation !!!
Jul 6, 2021 5:20PM
Jacqui Halvorson
Most of these structures are irreplaceable due to the sheer cost of materials and construction; and we longer have many of the craftsmen and artisans who built these structures. Support your local city historic preservation office and non-profit groups!
Jul 6, 2021 11:56PM
Satish Chandran
Destruction of BUDDHA"s statue is unpardonable.
Jan 1, 2022 4:33PM
Barbara McAdams
I don't know what the answer is but the loss of such beauty and history is sad. Maybe the answer to bigger bridges is fewer vehicles. That could cause a food shortage. Our ancestors grew and processed there own food. Children grew up working to help feed the family. No time to join gangs and vandalism. Maybe all these modern conveniences are not only destroying beautiful bits of history but little by little the human race.
Jul 6, 2021 11:09PM
Alicia Szot
So sad that people think first to destroy instead of rehabilitate. Disgusting that ancient landmarks were destroyed because of greed and/or intolerance to the beliefs of others.
Jan 7, 2022 8:49AM
Agnes Forder
All old buildings are not equal, I lived in a 16th century farm cottage growing up. No hydro, no running water, (the pump was 500 ft down the lane) and no indoor plumbing so please pick your "saves" wisely.
Jul 20, 2021 5:17PM
Gloria Weinberg
N6 pyramid in the Sudan😟
Jul 12, 2021 4:47PM
Everything in Germany so so sad not to mention innocent civilians!! Yet in a sense the loss of a 2000 yr old Pyramid is Totally Outrageous!! The treasure hunter should of been punished severely!!
Jul 12, 2021 4:32PM
Celeste Klassen
It is really sad to see what we have lost thru war and so called progress...these buildings we just witnessed were truly magnificent in architectural design...they were truly artistic and had so much character than new designs today have ...that as true architect..took imagination of building to a new level
Jul 7, 2021 8:50PM
All I could think of was " Shame on us " 😢😢😢
Jul 7, 2021 7:11PM
#4 is the Crapo building in Bay City, MI. It was beautiful when it was new. Google it. :)
Jul 7, 2021 12:47PM
I love the old buildings...I love to walk around them and see the beauty of the artist who created them...modern art has its place but new doesn't always mean better...or more beautiful...as shown in the pictures above.
Jul 7, 2021 10:23AM
Jim Mascair
They could have left that bridge standing for the people and built the new one out of sight down below the next river bend.
Jul 7, 2021 9:32AM
Glenn, They could have put the new bridge at a different location. The historical bridge was probably near the town square where you wouldn't want trucks or heavy traffic any way. There is always an alternative if one just looks for it.
Jul 7, 2021 8:32AM
Fran Ortega
Thank you. All worth looking at. Too bad they had to be destroyed.
Jul 7, 2021 2:35AM
Jacqui Halvorson
I meant to say, "....craftsmen and artisans capable of constructing these structures."
Jul 7, 2021 12:00AM


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