5 Easy Ways To Reduce Plastic At Home

Our use of plastic is killing the planet. That is why it is very important to know how to get rid of plastic from home. Keep reading to take care of the Earth!

Hope these tips will help you to become more ecofriendly!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Danny Lynch
Why can juices and water come in waxed milk cartons. We should get back to going to the butcher and having fresh meat wrapped in paper. Above all stop packaging with styrofoam. The use of Biodegradable plastics must be expanded and utilized no matter the cost. People have to be forced to go green through marketing and legislation. Mother Earth and Father Sky ...forever!
Aug 15, 2019 5:15PM
Joy Holbrook
Supermarkets in Australia make you pay 15c per plastic shopping bag. Everyone I know uses fabric bags or recycles the plastic bags, literally until they fall to bits.
Apr 6, 2022 6:50PM
David Holmes
I have been using the same fabric shopping bags for years. They are also easier to carry than the supermarket plastic bags. I also have a wheeled bag and walk to the 30 minutes to the supermarket. (lucky to live that close and have a choice of two a few minutes apart)
Aug 17, 2019 2:44AM
We have curbside pickup for most of our recycling and anything they don't pick up I take them to the recycling depot. Our grocery stores no longer provide plastic bags but most provide reuseable cloth bags or paper bogs. I love it...my parents were adults during WW II and learned that recycling and reusing were the only to survive the shortages. Now we are in another war...cleaning up and protecting our Earth.
Jun 11, 2024 1:03PM
Cecilia Jorge Greene
In Panama supermarkets don’t give plastic bags anymore. You have to bring your own reusable bags.
Mar 13, 2024 4:45PM
I filter all my water, and use my own bags and recycle everyday.
Apr 16, 2023 5:01PM
Caroline Weis, Tupperware still exists. In Australia people have Tupperware parties all the time.
Feb 8, 2023 7:58AM
Julie Allen
Chriss Crockford, I have never bought water in a bottle.
Sep 10, 2022 12:00AM
Louis Michael Durocher,
There was a very horrible and sad accident that happen in Montreal,Canada; This lady went shopping for baby clothing, when she returned home after a few hours ,the baby sitter told her that her little girl ( 1 month old) was sleeping,so she tanked and paid the girl,after,she went into her babies room with the plastic in which the store had put the child's clothes,all exited about her purchase she took them out of the bag,and started taking of the different tags,as he was doing that,she had folded the big plastic bag on the foot of the crib,she was nearly finished when the phone rang,as she rushed out of the room to answer the phone so the ringing would not wake up her baby; she inadvertently swoop up the bag right on the baby face,while she was on the phone,the child suffocated on the bag and died...When she went back into the room,she looked into the crib to see her baby,in horror ,she realized that the little girl was not breathing, she pick up the infant and tried mouth to mouth resuscitation, to no avail...with the baby I her arm she rushed to call 911...to late..the little 1 month old was D.O.A. I know all these facts,because she was my patient for 7 months...Ridden by guilt and totally devastted, she eventually,did the unthinkable...I will never forget this WOMAN, and the very cruel way to learn a life lesson...And since this case made headlines,it also made legislature ,to create laws for the protection of kids in general. As Bob Dylan wrote"' HOW MANY DEATHS WILL IT TAKE BEFORE PEOPLE KNOW""
Aug 18, 2019 4:18PM
Louis Michael Durocher,
We as a community here in Quebec,Canada...we practice very strictrecycling laws,and every household as to recycle,we compost and give to food bankswhat we don't use...There is a deposit on all bottles,even plastic ones,alcohol,wine etc...Every little bit counts...
Aug 18, 2019 3:53PM
Caroline Weis
Years ago when I was still in school my mother used to pack my lunch in Tupperware containers. They seemed to be the best at keeping my sandwich and slice of pie or cake edible and not dried out like wax paper did. Don't know what happened to those Tupperware containers as I've not seenbthem in years. When I go to the grocery I have reusable bags, two that I bought and about four that were sent to me from some charities I support. They come in handy for carrying my griceries., but I still reuse some plastic bags.
Aug 17, 2019 10:45PM
Steve Cisowski
Maybe don't litter!!!
Aug 15, 2019 7:44AM
Ian Swindale
I do some of what is recommended but I know it is insufficient. As my school report used to say with regular monotony "could do better".
Aug 15, 2019 3:38AM
Cheryl McMeekin
I will definitely try to start using more glad containers
Aug 14, 2019 8:49PM
kathy kitanne humphrey
Wrapping or covering food in fabric is not as effective as using wax paper. Cheap and effective. Maybe not for as long as plastic. Managing portions carefully might reduce storage necessity.
Aug 14, 2019 6:53PM


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