7 of the weirdest schools around the world
Today we’re looking at schools that put the magic back into the learning experience – and the way they do it is extraordinary... and sometimes even dangerous.
For most of us going to school was predictable and often boring. Some of the information might have changed but the system is the same one our parents went through.
Classes, lunch breaks, the bell signaling the end of class. But there are some places out there that go against the grain...
#1 River Plate School – learn EVERYTHING about football!

This school can be found in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. It's all about soccer! The school itself is located inside a stadium and classes are actually held with games going on in the background. Students always have a front row seat!
#2 The Philippine Mermaid Swimming Academy – get to swim like a mermaid
Strangely enough, this school is exactly what it advertises. It teaches you to swim like a mermaid. So if you or your child is obsessed with The Little Mermaid or H2O, this is the place for you!
They teach both adults and children and they also hold costumed photo ops where you can get your very own mermaid portraits.
#3 Atule'er Village – its students have to take what is probably the most dangerous school route in the world!
This school truly puts your parents’ tales of having to walk miles in the snow to get to school to shame. Children have to backpack across hazardous and steep terrain to reach their school and it takes one hour and a half to get there.
In fact, it’s so strenuous that they started a boarding school to make education more accessible for the children of the village.
#4 Snake Charming School – master the mysterious ancient art

As you might expect, this school is India, where the delicate art of snake charming originated.
In order to become a snake charmer, children start their education as early as 2 years old and must be around the creatures as much as possible. At this point, only boys can be snake charmers, while girls are taught to take care of the snakes.
#5 Forest Kindergartens – grow up and learn in a natural environment
This type of school takes the children out of the four walls of the classroom and gives them a natural learning experience. They still cover the same educational bases as those who choose a more traditional approach but they do in a green environment.
#6 The Green School, situated amidst the jungles of Indonesia
Hidden away in the jungles of Bali, you can find the greenest school in the world. Its structure is made out of bamboo and the construction of both the school and the curriculum have sustainability in mind.
All lessons are intertwined with instilling a love for nature preservation in the children while allowing them to pursue any career that a modern school would.
#7 Santa Claus School – so you're nothing like the original Bad Santa
This sounds like the plot of a Christmas movie and there’s definitely some magic around. This Santa School can be found in Michigan and it has been teaching its students to be perfect Santas – from their laugh and demeanor to the tips of their shoes – since 1937.
Would you attend any of these schools? Do you have any unusual facts about school education to share with us?
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