8 atmospheric and beautiful statues
Statues are a part of the world heritage. Every statue is a reflection of its master's soul and their time. Many of them serve as an inspiration for modern artists and attract a lot of people from all over the world to admire their beauty and greatness.
#1 Colossus of the Apennines is located at the Park of Pratolino, Italy

#2 The Kiss of Death is a marble sculpture on the textile manufacturer's grave in Barcelona

#3 Colossal Statue of Shapur I is located near the city of Bishapur in the south of Iran

#4 Lion of Lucerne is carved directly into the sand stone wall

#5 Rock sculpture of Decebalus in Romania is the tallest rock relief in Europe

#6 The Veiled Virgin is a Carrara marble fantastic statue
#7 Mysterious Ayutthaya Buddha head in tree roots

#8 The heads of the statues on the top of the Nemrut Mountain in Turkey. The statues are believed to be beheaded as a result of iconoclasm.

And what about you? How does it strike you? Do you have any thoughts or ideas to share ? You are welcome to do so in the comments below!
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