A sneak peek into the workspaces of famous creatives
Whether it's a kitchen table, a shed behind the house, the basement, or your bedroom, we all have spaces where we feel comfortable enough to harness our creativity. The greatest scientists and creatives of all time also had such special spaces – let's take a look at some of them.
#2 Virginia Woolf worked in her garden

#3 Mark Twain had a writing hut

#4 Charles Darwin worked on his evolution theory and wrote the famous book 'On The Origin Of Species' in Down House, Kent village, UK

#5 Charles Dickens wrote 'Great Expectations' at a Victorian desk which is now in the Dickens museum

#6 Paul Cezanne made some of his best art works in Aix-en-Provence, France

#7 Nikola Tesla conducted his high voltage experiments in his laboratory in Colorado springs

#8 Marie Curie worked on radiation theories of physics and chemistry right here:
Do you have a workspace? If you do, what is it like or what would you love it to be? Let us know in the comment section below.
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