Easy cheat sheet for coffee lovers
Do you want to enjoy real coffee at home whenever you want? The only thing you need for this is a Turkish coffee pot or a simple coffee maker. Here you’ll find useful cheat sheets for the most popular coffee, save the article so you won’t lose the information. Share these hacks with your friends!
There are 7 most beloved coffee recipes of all time.
# 1 Latte
A latte is a coffee drink that is normally made with espresso, whipped milk, and milk foam. It's fine if you don’t have a home espresso maker, you can use strongly brewed coffee. Don’t be afraid of milk foam, it can be easily done at home in the microwave. All you do is shake nonfat or 2% milk in a jam jar until it’s foamy, take off the lid, and microwave it for a few seconds. You get spoonfuls of foam, plus warm whipped milk to pour in your latte.
#2 Bicerin
For a start, Bicerin is always served in a glass. The chocolate that Bicerin is made with should dark and thick. For this coffee fresh espresso is always best, but still, you can use strongly brewed coffee as well. Add cold heavy cream, O.85 fl oz would be enough. Grated chocolate at the top will be a perfect final.
#3 Mocha
To be closer to authentic, you'll want to use double-strength, dark-roasted coffee. And you could use instant coffee if you're in a pinch, but brewed coffee is just so much better. For Mocha you can choose chocolate syrup or sweetened cocoa powder. Heat your milk on a stovetop or in the microwave, then fill your mug with heated milk. Add a teaspoon of sugar to your drink before you top it with whipped cream.
#4 Irish Coffee
The recipe itself is not complex, however, the ingredients must be at-the-ready and each step must be closely followed. Whether you take sugar in your coffee or not, it is essential here, and not just for flavor. Without it, your cream won’t float properly. Before filling the mug, you should heat it with hot water. After it add 1 tsp. light brown sugar to a mug, pour over hot coffee and stir to dissolve sugar, then pour in whiskey. Top with whipped cream.
#5 Romano
Espresso Romano is espresso with a twist of lemon flavor and a little lemon juice. It is worth a try if you are looking for a fruity finish to your espresso. Some love it, others hate it. Why not give it a try – this is one of the simplest coffee drinks to make at home.
#6 Glace
Coffee Glace is a perfect drink for hot summer days. This coffee and ice cream dessert recipe is so easy and so delicious. Place the ice cream in a cup and pour cold double espresso on this. Top with grated chocolate.
#7 Macchiato
Lattes and cappuccinos are both made from espresso and milk. The distinction between a latte vs a cappuccino lies in the espresso to milk ratio and whether the milk is frothed or steamed. A cappuccino starts with equal amounts of milk and espresso. A latte, on the other hand, uses twice the amount of milk as espresso. A cappuccino is characterized by a rich head of milk that has been frothed to twice its original volume, which makes the ideal canvas for foam art using everything from cocoa powder to syrups and nuts.
What’s your favorite coffee? Share your recipes in the comments below!
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