How were people in the 50’s, 60’s’ and 70’s so skinny?

People back then ate much less and were more active, and it was less socially acceptable to be fat.

I was born in the mid 1950s. Food portions were much smaller, people were more active, and people were actually called out for being fat. I was called boogerinocerous because of my last name and size. I was a little overweight in grade school. I was bullied. A lot.

It was very rare to see an actual fat person and they were noticed. A only a very few were obese, we were told they had hormone problems. I used to think my grandfather was heavy, but learned he was about 6 feet and weighted just 160. He looked downright skinny in most photos. At the time, I considered him a bit chubby, because people were generally skinnier.

Fast food was much less common and not a part of most peoples’ routine diet. I rarely ate out or got fast food until I was a teenager and occasionally snuck out for burgers. McDonald’s wasn’t even in my town until 1970 or so when I was in high school. A&W root beer and burgers at the drive through was a once-a-year treat. Pizza wasn’t available until I was a in 12th grade. Before then, it was a 20+ mile drive to get some.

Snacks at movie theater were small. Bags of popcorn were tiny, and candy was in regular, small bars and bags.


We were active as a part of daily life. Exercise and workout wasn’t a thing except for football players and jocks. We just moved around a lot using our own bodies, you really didn’t need to go to the gym to get in shape. Nobody joined an athletic club to get fit. They would have been ridiculed in the 60s and 70s. Nobody wanted to look “buffed.”

We had actual PE classes wherein we sweated; I ran a mile every day from 7th–12th grade, even in the extreme heat of suburban Livermore. I rode my bike and walked everywhere from 1st grade until I got my license. I never got driven to school, even in rain. Yes, us kiddies walked to school with a friend, our sister, or even alone.

Even with my much coveted drivers’ license, I didn’t drive to school. The family car was given out for special occasions, like going out with the girlfriend or a group of friends to an appropriate event of some sort. I rode a bicycle or walked most places until a couple of friends got cars when I was in 11th or 12th grade.

For most of my childhood and high school, I rode my bike to the library, swimming pool, friend's houses, stores, hobby shops, music lessons, scout meetings, work, etc. I was rail thin from 4th–12th grade, then I got lazy and ate way too much in college. I rode my bicycle on and off to college, but not that often because my campus was on top of a hill and my apartment was at the bottom. I got rides from friends or took a bus.

I’ve been struggling with my weight ever since I graduated high school in the early 1970s.

Below are some random images showing growth in portion sizes from google image search:

Burgers went from 120 calories to 310

Bagels went from 3 inch/140 calories to 6 inch/350 calories. I’ve been informed in the comments that good bagels were rarely 3 inch, but that bagel sizes have crept up over the years, nonetheless.

Snack sizes ballooned. Fried, popcorn, soft drinks, and burgers at least doubled in calories.

This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.

Do you agree that people used to eat less?

#Culture #History #Society #food #Quora


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Wendy Stamatovich
I think it’s mostly due to inactivity. Put down the phones, get off the computer, turn off the tv. Go to the beach, the park, the woods, the lake!! Oh and I absolutely don’t believe in fat shaming, it just plain wrong. If someone is overweight or underweight for that matter teasing or shaming them is not the way. Encourage healthy eating and getting outside more, but shaming is just... well shameful and it says more about you than it does them(and it’s not good)!!!
Sep 30, 2018 6:52PM
Jim Hofwolt
We didn't have i-pads, games consoles or mobile phone then. I lived 4 miles from town when I was a kid and didn't worry about riding to town on my bike. We also did farm work which was very good exercise. We ate and drank full sugar food and soft drinks.. Working and playing were our exercise. We(my brothers and I) would race our bikes (pedal, not motor) on the gravel back roads for fun and never thougt of it as exercise. It was just fun...
Sep 19, 2018 7:13AM
Sheryn Whitehurst
Yes; we were more active as children, chores, riding bikes, playing outside in the natural world. Seeing things closely around us. Food was always a solid breakfast (granny big on giving us oatmeal! in Winter), a packed lunch for school (ie) sandwich, fruit from home and our milk was given by the school! Dinners (supper) always a salad, meat and veggies, very balanced diet. Made from scratch. We didn't have "pop/soda, fast foods, so that home made cookies or desserts were a treat! I believe we wore off the calories just running about and playing outside with friends. I also believe the veggie patch/garden played a big role with our diet, shake the dirt off a carrot and actually eat it! as a snack! apple trees, meant pies, cherry trees same and granny put up jams from the many different trees and bushes available, None of which was ever "spayed" with chemicals.. It is unfortunate that children of today mainly get GMO or quick foods and no exercise of the right kind, glued to tv or phones or ipads..such a pity. I don't believe they have to shovel snow, cut the lawn, weed the gardens, care for animals (outside) and a thousand and one other things we used to be responsible for. Not all children are hothouse plants, but in this age of "technology" is king, I sincerely wish they could see further than the electronics and experience the natural world.
Dec 29, 2018 3:21PM
Irene A
Not as much processed food then, that’s what puts the weight on
Sep 20, 2018 7:21PM
Art Weber
They now put so much unhealthy additives into the American diet !
Oct 26, 2024 5:50PM
Virginia Lee
So true. More processed food and less activity equals more weight
Apr 4, 2024 5:15PM
Elsy O. Stromberg
There were plenty of fat people then too. however, in general people ate healthier food and kids were more active.
Feb 26, 2024 2:05PM
Vimala Padmaraj
Nov 24, 2023 8:02AM
Shelley Welch Dunivan
Lack of exercise and our food supply, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats over processed foods. GMO. Children 6,7,8 years old with fatty liver disease. As long as we let them and continue to buy those processed foods, they will keep feeding them to us and our children. We need to demand better and they only way to do it is to hit them where it hurts. Their wallet!
May 28, 2023 7:48AM
Most everyone in my high school was "fit". Can only think of a few who were a bit "heavy" and no one really fat. We ate differently and kept moving most of the time. No one thought of going to a gym to work out. Athletes trained in their season for the team they were on.
May 26, 2023 4:47PM
Jessie Franklin
I agree, people ate a lot less. There was very few fat people if a person was fat, they'd be the only one in the area everybody knew who you were talking when you said the fat girl or boy.
Apr 6, 2023 7:50PM
Meg Groves Janssen
Youngest of 5 and the heaviest. I was always considered "pudgy". But I was the most athletic and still am. Might not be stick thin like my sisters but I'm in my sixties and still walking, swimming and cycling as much as possible! Oh, and I'm still heavier. Genetics and hormones have a lot to do with it, too.
Mar 26, 2023 11:24AM
Growing up in the 70s and 80s I can only remember a few fat kids. We were more active then and ate smaller portions and wat less fast food. Fast food was a treat not part of our regular diet.
Dec 26, 2022 3:07AM
Raymond Cardona
Remember the movie “Super size Me”!!! I think that says it all. Bonnie
Oct 2, 2022 4:52PM
I remember it differently. As a kid at the table, there were always large portions of home cooked veggies. Asparagus piled up, smelled terrible, English peas tasted nasty and no matter where you pushed them, they would roll back into play. Worst of all was rutabaga which leaves a bad taste in my mouth just saying the name. And there was no walking away from any of it. At least there there was always dessert. Thin till 50.
Sep 1, 2022 11:34AM
David Colloby
The size of food portions, chocolate bars, packet snacks etc; in restaurants and commercial food companies have now decreased significantly. Not for decreasing carbohydrates for health purposes but to increase profit margins.
Jul 13, 2022 12:27AM
The foods that were shown were not eaten every day in the 60's and 70's. People ate them maybe once a week usually Friday night for a treat. Most people ate home cooked foods that included vegetables. Now days, kids eat this for breakfast. Before going into school. Try that on for size and agree or disagree.
Jun 16, 2022 7:20PM
Don Markusic
John , I was about 10 years ahead of you but after the same process walk to school play in the playground as a teenager football , baseball , basketball didn't get a license till I was 17 and have a car at 18 . No fast food still the late 60s .
May 30, 2022 5:20PM
Ellen Cowan Hale
I grew up then and yes it was very rare to see an overweight person. There was a big stigma to being "fat." Even though we ate a lot of red meat, eggs, mayonnaise and various other unhealthy food.
Dec 6, 2021 5:35PM


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