I bet you’ve seen these dreams and nightmares before
Having dreams are pretty common, and if you’re anything like me, sometimes you remember the dream when you wake up. A lot of dreams are actually quite common, so I decided to look up the top 5 most common dreams and nightmares, and explain their meaning.
Nightmares, like dreams, are the brain’s way of processing information and events that have happened to us during the day.
#1 Failing a Test
These dreams often come to people who have been out of school for a while. You either can’t pass a test, you can’t find the test room, or you just feel generally unprepared for the test. These dreams mean that you’re anticipating being tested at some point in the near future in your life, and you feel like you’re unprepared for it.
#2 Being Naked in Front of People
You’re standing on stage or in front of a classroom full of people when suddenly everyone starts laughing, and you realize that you’re completely naked. The nightmare is also often accompanied by an audience of fully clothed people. When you dream of being naked in front of your peers, this can often present fear of revealing something to others.
#3 Falling or Drowning
We’ve always had dreams like this at some point in our lives, and they’re those dreams where you’re either falling, drowning in water, or sinking in quicksand. They represent a feeling of insecurity or lack of support in your life, and they’re especially common for people that are facing something really overwhelming in their life at the moment.
#4 Being Lost, Trapped or Buried
No matter what age you are, being lost is a very upsetting experience even when you’re asleep. The anxiety that takes over when feeling lost in these nightmares is symbolic of your real-life insecurities about your path through life. When you’re faced with world-altering decisions, any indecisiveness can be met with dreams that you can’t find your way out of somewhere. However, if you’re more trapped than lost, this can represent being stuck in life, perhaps in a relationship, a dead-end job, or even a school program.
#5 Being Chased
This is another very common dream where something scary is chasing you, like a monster or a killer. The meaning of this dream is that someone in your life is making you feel very uncomfortable, or even threatened. Apparently, you can actually try to figure out who is that person in your life by comparing certain features of the monster to the people in your life.
Am I right? Are these dreams familiar to you? Tell us about your most catchy dream in the comments below!
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