Music is getting worse with time - scientists can prove it now

What's better, old music or new music? Many people like old songs better than anything else, and, as it turns out, science can now explain that.

A group of scholars from the Spanish National Research Council examined different aspects of pop music and the way they have changed since 1955. The results are surprising!

What do you think about these facts? Do you like old or new music better? What's your favorite period of music?

We are waiting for your comments!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
The older music is much better. That music touched the heart and affected you emotionally. The words had a message with meaning. I can barely hear the lyrics of today's music. And when I see the lyrics in written form, they are repetitious and have little meaning. That's not true for all music written within the past couple of decades, but most of it.
Oct 14, 2019 6:35PM
Catherine Tayles
Old music is the best..60's, 70's especially!!!!
Aug 3, 2020 7:17PM
Gabby Aberasturi
IMO...those facts sound accurate. It seems as though there is less "art" used in todays music. Ryme does not make music an art, it contributes to the entire package that makes up the art. Now a days, a person can be tone deaf but as long as they can rhyme out loud they are often and ignorantly considered, an artist of music.
Sep 24, 2018 1:51PM
I certainly prefer old music.
Dec 14, 2024 5:50PM
Nickey Welsh
Yes older music is much much better.
Oct 30, 2024 9:09AM
Music is like people...there is good and bad regardless of what you are listening preference is 60s rock, country or folk...I just find it easier to sing along.
Feb 24, 2024 12:51PM
Generally, I think this article is true. But there are many exceptions.
Apr 4, 2023 7:26PM
Linda Wardle
wbharshberger, I totally agree with everything you say.
Oct 5, 2022 4:38AM
Today's "artists" want to be heard, but many aren't good musicians, so their output is sub-standard, loud and electronically enhanced Bieber says he uses autotune to hit the precise notes. Maybe cause he doesn't sing that well on his own. Some of the best rap is re-purposed old hits. They're what works.
Jul 27, 2022 3:21PM
Julie Domaille, I think the aspects of music theory, what makes music full and smart are disappearing. The intricacies are few and limited. Like a song with nothing but chords and no Iindividual notes. Don't need a scientist to notice the demise. The biggest songs come from musicians, not apps.
Jul 27, 2022 3:10PM
Joseph Faiers
By and large I’m inclined to say that’s true, however in amongst all the trash music one can still find real artists with real songs.
Jun 9, 2022 4:16PM
Julie Domaille
I don't think it can be right to say music is more repetitive since 1955. Shoo wap de wap songs are very repetitive and there were alot of girl meets boy themes. But I like lyrics to be like modern day poetry so 'who let the dogs out' doesn't qualify as warming the soul lol
Mar 15, 2022 4:04PM
carole winslow
I like many different genres of music. Lyrics have always been near the top of my list for selecting my favorites. One of my greatest dislikes in current music is the emphasis on enhancing the voices with electronics. I prefer artists who have great voices and don't need to be enhanced artificially.
Sep 16, 2021 8:37PM
Emma Butler
I like the old better however all of the new isnt bad there are some new artist that are good🍧😎
May 11, 2020 11:37PM
Dolly Shaway Kalil
I like the older music. Today you here more loud music, and can hardly here the lyrics!! I do like some of today's music, but not much! To much yelling!!!
Sep 25, 2019 6:05PM
Dan Roads
Music has the unique power of providing a means to relive a time and place of the listeners past. I enjoy songs from years ago to enjoy little bursts of memory for good times or even not so good but all bring a peacefulness that few things in life provide. Listening to new music can create a like or dislike opinion but rarely causes you to just smile and “mellow” out like music from the past can do.
Jul 20, 2019 9:09AM


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