'Eww' or 'yum'? Top 10 weirdest foods from around the world

Some things that look disgusting to us are considered delicacies in some parts of the world. Let's find out how weird some national dishes can be.

Which of these foods are 'eww'? And which are 'yum'? Would you taste any of them?

Tell us what you think in the comments!

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#Culture #food


What are your thoughts on this subject?
...going to pass on all of these, I'm afraid...esp. the "still live" stuff...that's a no-go.
Aug 13, 2022 4:53PM
 Margaret White
33 years ago I ate a snail. I've regretted it ever since.
Sep 26, 2022 6:10PM
I do eat escargot. The rest of them I would not even care to try thank you.
Sep 7, 2024 2:41PM
Robert Mookerdum
Givw me a Big Mac any day.
Apr 3, 2024 5:32AM
Darlene Warner
Yuck wouldn't any of then
Jan 29, 2024 11:31AM
I recommend a gentle sautee of all - in a tomato and white wine sauce with butter and capers. Stew for 10 minutes - then throw it all down the toilet.
Nov 5, 2023 5:51PM
Sally Onyett
EWW EWW & EWW again. None excite my palate thanks 😱
Oct 15, 2023 5:09PM
Carol Foreman
I would be willing to try the Rocky Mountain oysters but not anything else.
May 10, 2023 4:57PM
Carol Foreman
I think I can live happily without any of it. But especially the one with the maggots. 🤮
May 10, 2023 4:54PM
Ilias Tsiabardas
Except the French Escargot and the Canadian Rocky mountain Oysters YUM ) (the rest are NOT FOR ME EWW
Apr 13, 2023 9:33PM
Cecilia Jorge Greene
Tried escargots and loved them
Mar 7, 2023 4:52PM
Doris Dallaire
Only tried escargot but did not like them. Would maybe try Rocky Mountain oysters but not the rest of these things.
Feb 19, 2023 11:14AM
Jerry Kimball
What, no baluts from the Philippines?
Jul 5, 2022 4:39PM
I would not eat any of those "foods".
May 30, 2022 4:09PM
I love escargot, and I might try the Rocky Mountain Oysters. I have also eaten frogs legs, rabbit, venison, water buffalo, alligator meat, and muskrat. I have eaten calamari, but would definitely say no to the raw octopus, as well as the raw shrimp. The soups look disgusting, and the fugu and shark meat would be a no. I have eaten caviar, so the Mexican Escamol might be a possibility. I do not like strong smelling cheese, so the fermented cheese would probably make me gag.
Mar 7, 2022 9:44PM


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