Writers Who Have Succeeded In Older Age

It is never too late to become a successful writer, painter, entrepreneur, or other. Starting it late is better than giving up your dreams and living an unhappy life.

There are a few examples that might convince you in the universal truth of this expression:

•Charles Flint was 61 when he had launched his successful IBM

•Tomas Edison has launched General Electrics at 45

•Gary Burrell had started Starbucks when he was 51

•Yoshisuke Aikawa has succeeded with Nissan Motor at 53

Porsche has been launched by Ferdinand Porsche at the age of 56

There are painters who start after 70, bodybuilders, who start after 60, and Fauja Singh, a marathon runner, who have started at 89. Writing career after 50 sounds not only reasonable but also successful. People with life experience have much more to share with a younger generation.

There are writers from various countries, nationalities, centuries, views, and destinies. Some of them were wealthy, others were poor. Most of them have written the most successful works of their lives after 45 or 50. Writer reaches his or her success in career together with the wisdom of human life that he or she has successfully obtained during a lifetime. On the other hand, all of them were connected to literature in any way. It is never too late to succeed in writing a novel.

Nicole Lewis is a professional analyst and freelance journalist. He believes that any person can become a writer is to develop writing skills continuously. Nicole supports young journalists and writers with advisory sessions and materials.

Do you have something to add or discuss? You are welcome to do so in the comments below! And remember to share it with your friends!

#Culture #knowledge #literature


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Chip Combs
Interesting, but the guy needs a proof-reader ... badly.
Aug 18, 2019 9:24PM
I am planning to write a book about my life simply: "A Journey" from Kenya to America. The ages of these wonderful folks give me hope and courage. Merci.
Jan 31, 2020 1:00AM
Doris Dallaire
This is all very interesting but badly needs to be grammatically corrected!
Feb 1, 2023 6:21PM
Thank you so much for this article. It is both encouraging and inspiring. It is never too late for anyone to become a writer - or amount to anything, for that matter.
Dec 4, 2019 4:54PM
djons on
I'm not surprised, quite often writers or painters couldn't become famous while they alive, I like writings of Bram Stoker, I've ordered a dissertation here https://marvelousessays.org about his art and Drakula
Aug 17, 2019 1:09AM
john duckett
Interesting but as others have stated, grammatically very poor.
Jun 12, 2019 9:55PM
Robert Cox
Everyone has a book in them. At 68 I feel obliged to write it all down - I have so many stories to tell. One of my favourite "never too late" stories is the amazing artist, Grandma Moses, who started painting in her 80's. Her work now sells for millions and is very rare. I like that tale.
Jan 23, 2019 4:36AM
Karyn Hughes
I read for content not technique,and this was fascinating. I am a female writer, non-published
Jan 17, 2019 6:16PM
Ian Swindale
I'm just about to hit 77 - I wonder if I should give it a real go even if only for my satisfaction? I've written a Trilogy of my Adoption, followed by my Bipolar Disorder and then the whole of my Professional Life, but it's not something in my opinion that would make a good book to be published
Jan 17, 2019 3:35AM
Eckart Schumann
Interesting, but would be a lot better if Nicole Lewis could write.
Jan 17, 2019 1:26AM
Humberto Carrasco
Jan 16, 2019 7:09PM
Christopher Brownbridge
Where is the College of Wooster?
Jan 16, 2019 6:45PM
Someone suggested that I write my story this morning. I am 59, sounds like a plan!
Jan 16, 2019 5:15PM
Marjorie Spacek
39, 40, or 50 are not "late in life."
Jan 16, 2019 4:34PM
Myrna Cooksey-Watson
I don't believe English was the first language of the person who submitted this.
Jan 16, 2019 4:24PM


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