10 pics showing Australia is the weirdest country EVER!

Have you long dreamt of traveling to Australia? Then you'll be interested to see these 10 mind-blowing pictures from there!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Joy Holbrook
I’ve lived in country Australia for 75 years. I’ve seen every one of these creatures. The large insects are stick insects and are completely harmless. The large lizard is a goanna and while not happy if approached, they usually just keep to themselves. They love to run up trees. Also, it’s actually illegal to keep kangaroos as pets. The picture showing a guy with a kangaroo in his kitchen, is probably showing a wildlife volunteer raising a joey until it’s able to be released into the wild.
Jun 30, 2021 6:06PM
Maureen Jaeche
I love Australia, a wonderfully diverse country, but we really need to do something in the animal conservation area. Come on state and federal governments. Pull your collective fingers out and save our wildlife!
Jun 30, 2021 10:05PM
You forgot to mention that 9 of 10 of the most poisonous species of spiders live in Australia.
Apr 28, 2024 11:18AM
Anita Clark Morton
That little baby octopus is ADORABLE, even if he IS venomous
Mar 21, 2024 10:58PM
Nick Hand, 🤣🤣
Jan 25, 2024 6:36PM
Lois Southwick
Have visited there many times. 1st in the 70’s. Wanted to move there—- people so laid back and fun. Too far now at my age but have fond memories. Really special friends live there.
Nov 22, 2023 5:45PM
Chris Baz
Joy Holbrook, and for the life of me I have never picked up a blue ringed octopus 😂 … a few exaggerations there hey Joy.
Nov 20, 2023 6:03PM
Sally Onyett
Australia , where everything wants to bite and kill you , even if it can’t. 😂💕
Sep 12, 2023 4:50PM
Is that a large worm or are you just happy to see me?! 😂So many strange, wonderful and poisonous creatures live there!
Sep 2, 2023 12:52AM
Glenda Bennett
Not weird, but unique and amazing, love living here, respect our wildlife and leave them be,
Aug 18, 2022 5:35PM
Paul Eric Martin
you left out the spiders, snakes and sharks - all creatures that can kill or eat you ... but it's a great country to live in grew up there 30yrs of my life - can't wait to move home
Jun 1, 2022 4:55PM
Helga U. Williams
Boyd Welsch, have those in South Carolina also. My car looked like a moonscape!!!
May 30, 2022 1:24AM
Fascinating country. Maybe I'll visit it one day
Mar 16, 2022 4:05AM
Nick Hand
Reading some of these comments below, I'm struck by how many pampered little princesses there are in the world. Hey, so we've got a few bugs and lizards here in Australia. Boy, and here's me without my violin....
Jan 5, 2022 12:50AM
Boyd Welsch
The first week I was in Australia a hailstorm hit Brisbane with stones the size of softballs. They went through cars. It looked like a war.
Dec 25, 2021 5:04PM
Alicia Szot
Australia is truly amazing! Now, just an observation: I guess it's OK to use the pronoun "her" for a country but NOT OK to use it on female humans. Just sayin'.
Oct 10, 2021 6:26PM
Joy Holbrook
james parrillo, thanks for your question. The stick insects can be found everywhere. They fascinate me. I just love them. Goannas mostly live in rural areas because there’s no food for them readily available in cities. They are carnivores, but only attack humans if they feel threatened. They can be a nuisance when they get into chicken pens and eat the eggs. Eggs are their favourite food and if they run up a tree with a bird’s nest, they’ll eat the eggs, and the chicks if any are hatched. The pic of the snake with the cane toads is interesting. I’m not familiar with the breed of snake, but it could be a water python. Cane toads are revolting creatures. They were introduced into Australia to control the cane beetles which were decimating the sugarcane. They breed prolifically and have migrated south from far North Queensland to Sydney. They have poison glands above the eyes and if approached, they spray the poison. Thousands of family pets have been killed by these horrible things.
Jul 6, 2021 6:39PM


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