10 weird and unexpected facts you would't believe are true

It's a good practice to verify everything you see on the internet today, as a lot of interesting facts turn out to be fake. The ones you will find in this article are bizarre and hard to believe, but all of them are absolutely true. Take a look and get ready to be amazed.

Have you ever heard any of these facts before? Which one surprised you the most? Do you have any surprising and weird information to share with us?

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#Geography #Culture #Science #History #Society


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Ilias Tsiabardas
The One that Surprise me the most is the Japanese fish that lived for226 years
May 15, 2019 7:35PM
Jonesy McConnell
Colin how is Gibraltar not a part of the UK ?
Feb 26, 2018 6:01PM
Diane Thompson
This was one of the most interesting sets of info I've read. Much thanks. I love the one about the missing woman. That's hilarious. Very very interesting reading.
Oct 25, 2018 6:39AM
Floyd Bladen
not sure i believe all of these. a pint of sweat from both feet a day???
Feb 15, 2019 6:14PM
Roger Booth
I used to love apples but they just don’t taste like same now
Nov 23, 2024 5:30PM
Carole Tupper
If my feet produced a pint of sweat my socks would be soaking wet 🤣
Mar 3, 2024 8:23AM
Vimala Padmaraj
Dec 4, 2023 12:31AM
James Michaelson
Peter de Loriol, Sorry but you’re wrong…. You need to add (and all her other realms and territories)
Jan 29, 2023 4:40PM
Lynda Wild
Ray Anderson, Not if they are kept in gold storage
Sep 17, 2022 11:22PM
A tortoise 🐢 in Englamd lived to be 250 years old!! And was once owned by Clive of India. An ancestor of mine.
Sep 17, 2022 6:20PM
Julie Allen
Colin Santa Farrell, Gibraltar is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom and is self-governing in all matters but defense. Its constitution was established by the Gibraltar Constitution Order in 1969, which provided for a House of Assembly consisting of the speaker (appointed by the governor), 15 members elected to four-year terms, and 2 ex-officio members. (A new Constitution Order was approved by referendum in November 2006 and was implemented in January 2007; it renamed the House of Assembly as the Gibraltar Parliament and increased its number of members to 17.) In 1981 Gibraltarians were granted full British citizenship. Gibraltarians age 18 or older and British civilians resident for more than six months are entitled to vote.
May 2, 2022 8:59PM
Steve Tingle
Peter de Loriol, actually it is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles, so the question is wrong as it is nowhere near Africa.
Jan 9, 2022 1:38PM
Elaine Bauer
Peter de Loriol, just as Canada, New Zealand, etc., are not
Dec 28, 2019 5:37PM
Charlie Unsworth
Re No. 3: we’ve been infiltrated by the flat earth society! An ellipse is 2 dimentional - i.e. FLAT. THe reason why the route appears to be a curve is because it is drawn on a Mercator’s projection map. Of you looked at it on a globe from a point vertically above the line it would look straight. The earth is quite definitely NOT an ellipse. Der.
Apr 7, 2019 6:20PM
Ray Anderson
You might be able to eat year-old apples but they taste horrible - usually floury.
Apr 4, 2019 6:16PM
Peter de Loriol
The United Kingdom is the short term for 'The United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland' - ergo any island not within this geographical sphere, whether it belongs to Great Britain, is not the UK.
Mar 30, 2019 5:04AM
Peter de Loriol
Agreed with Mario- this is the type of question that a politician can pose - and we know what politicians do best!
Mar 30, 2019 5:00AM
Dan Drinkall
#8 is why the Piranha are doing so well ? [ ( H + a ) x 2 ]
Mar 26, 2019 12:11AM


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