Improve your knowledge - Only true and fun science facts
We bet you don't know these incredible facts! offers you to learn new things and improve your knowledge.
No matter whether you are young or mature there were, are and will be things and phenomena, the existence of which you don't even suspect. Well, it is simply impossible to know everything. However, today we offer you to try and find out some cool science facts that are certainly true, though we can hardly believe in them.

Biology is a science that is ancient as the life itself. After all, to understand how to love it was necessary to understand yourself, to find your place in this world and learn to communicate with other species. Let's learn the most interesting facts from Biology.
- Living in your body bacteria 10 times outnumber the cells of which it is composed.
- The fingerprints of koalas are indistinguishable from the fingerprints of humans even under an electron microscope.
- A tardigrade (water bear) is the most unbelievable creature on Earth that can survive in extreme conditions of permafrost, boiling, radiation and even space.
- Human's DNA shares 50% of banana's.
- The Hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

- The heart of a blue whale is so huge that a person could easily swim through its arteries.

It's time for facts from Physics!

Physics is a really comprehensive science. Every process of nature is observed by physics. It describes everything: mechanics, electricity, magnetism, optics and many other spheres. We bet these facts from physics will blow your mind!
- A day on Venus lasts longer than a year on Venus.
- There are more molecules in a glass of water than glasses of water in all the oceans on Earth.
- Diamond rain falls on Saturn and Jupiter.
- If you drill a tunnel through the Earth and jump there, theoretically you will appear on the other side in 42 minutes, of course, if you are not going to die, which is unlikely.
Let's find out more about this topic!

- The territory of Russia is greater than the total area of the Pluto.
- There is mobile communication on the top of Everest.
- French was the official language of England for over 600 years.
- Every 2 minutes we take more pictures than all humanity took during the XIX century.
- When Warner Brothers was founded, the Ottoman Empire still existed.
- You can see the border between East and West Germany from space due to different light bulbs.

- Neil Armstrong had to fill an immigration form when he returned to the United States from the moon.

Let's find out more about our life!

It is always quite useful and interesting to learn more about our life, isn't it? So let's consider some facts that will not only amuse you but also help you to save your money!
- Coca Cola tin usually sinks in water and Diet Coke tin floats.
- If people could catch the noise below 20 Hz, we would hear our muscles moving.
- After Steven Spielberg dropped out from college in 1968, he renewed it and graduated only in 2002 in order to express gratitude to his parents for providing him the opportunity of getting higher education.

Which fact do you like the most? Vote for your favorite one in the comments below!
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