10 awesome things we no longer do because of the technology

We used to do so many interesting things before technology took over. Most of us still miss those days! Let's remember some wonderful activities and feelings of the pre-Internet era together.

Do modern technologies make you happier? Do you still have any 'old-school' habits like reading newspapers or sending paper greeting cards? Do you miss the life without Internet and modern technologies?

Tell us in the comments below!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
linda lpsolutions
I have a real issue with anyone who believes a screen can replace a real experience. And, sorry, as a former professional photographer, digital will never ever provide the same quality as film. Children today are like little vegetables - haven't a clue about the world around them - only interested in all the crap on video games and what not. It's a sad world we're living in.
Mar 8, 2018 5:43PM
Peter Evans
Technology has basically removed the need to go out in the fresh air. When I was a child we went out to play soon after sunrise and returned home just after sunset.
Mar 8, 2018 4:45PM
Bob Bracegirdle
Cassette tapes. Vinyl and 78s please!
Mar 8, 2018 5:18PM
Pat Moore
Holding a real book! I miss that smell.
Mar 8, 2018 5:52PM
Doreen Henricks
I used to set my alarm clock, now I use my phone. We used to write letters, now we send emails. We used to cook dinner, now we order in or use Blue Apron. I used to go to the bank to deposit a check, now I send a photo via a banking app. Let's see--so many more things have changed so much. Some of it good, some of it not so good.
Mar 8, 2018 4:24PM
Sharran Dunseath
I still think children should go outside to play, it teaches children to play together and fresh air and sunlight are good for us all.
Mar 8, 2018 8:52PM
Cathie Roth Lonnquist
Life was simpler back then. Kids today have no idea what they are missing. I think technology has taken away alot of what once was important.
Mar 8, 2018 7:19PM
Bob Bracegirdle
And I read my newspaper than you. More difficult on screen.
Mar 8, 2018 5:19PM
Elisabeth Koechli
Sadly true!!
Mar 8, 2018 6:31PM
Auriel Steverson
Prefer Then, much more satisfying
Mar 8, 2018 7:51PM
The older I get the more I appreciate some of the new technology. I can no longer write legibly so sending an email is the only way I can communicate. I keep in touch with relatives in New Zealand via Whatsapp which is much cheaper than the phone and I can actually see them...sometimes they take us around their garden to show us what they have been doing...it's amazing. What I wouldn't have given to be able to communicate like that when my mom was still alive. We don't use our phones when out for dinner with family or friends and having coffee or lunch with friends is still a highlight of my life...but then...I was born and raised before much of the technology was created so I feel like I get to choose what works for me and leave that which doesn't.
Jan 4, 2025 3:54PM
Nancy Gardner
Crazy world, marginalization of society. Not going to be good.
May 28, 2024 12:41PM
Kids still play outside, people still communicate face to face, and so on. It is your choice.
Jan 28, 2024 11:17AM
Thos is all true amd they missed one we used to write letters now they don't even teach cursive
Nov 27, 2023 11:49PM
Linda Sproat Bomar
Cathie Roth Lonnquist, I totally agree with you about kids. When my boy's were young they were outside as soon as they had eaten breakfast, now their sons would hardly go outside and they had no imagination to build a fort, play with toy cars or trucks and as soon as they found out about video games that's all they wanted to do. It really is sad what is going on with the children now days.
Nov 20, 2023 12:32AM
AJ Webb
We use to use a dictionary now we Google it
Nov 9, 2023 5:46PM
 Margaret White
Handwriting is something else we no longer do and we are poorer for its loss.
Jan 25, 2023 5:42PM
Shelley Durocher
Pat Moore, Um, they *do* still exist you know....
Jan 10, 2023 4:24PM
Shelley Durocher
Ridiculous. Yes, technology makes things easier, and yes we do some things differently. But I still meet friends for coffee, I still give and receive greeting cards, I still go to theatres, the playground is still full of children, I still subscribe to a paper newspaper. And I never did like people dropping by unannounced. Why do people always act like it's one extreme or the other?
Jan 10, 2023 4:22PM
Caroline Weis
Barb Beck, me too Barb. I'm a farm kid also but there weren't that many kids I could play with in my area, unless it was with my brother, who disliked my type of play, or a third cousin that lived up the road from us, also a boy. My brother was into baseball and basketball, but it was rather hard to play baseball, with just three kids. Also we weren't allowed to disappear for the entire day, we had chores to do around our farm.
Dec 26, 2022 9:30AM
Tina Marie Haddad Rhodes
Doreen Henricks, Mostly bad…
Dec 10, 2022 8:28PM
Judy 'Cross' Long
Some technology is good but I don't believe small children should be glued to a screen. Nothing can really replace the experience or the social and emotional growth of human contact and we seem to lose so much of the personal aspect of life when we stay glued to technology all day. I love to travel and have been to all 50 states and other countires but I when I travel I like to see the big picture, not just the small map on my phone, I like to see a map and see where I am traveling as opposed to turn here, and here and here. I still like using a real camera, receiving and sending real cards and real books. I do love technology and use it a lot but I don't like that technology seems to be robbing us of human contact and interaction. Children are not learning how to interact with people in person. Some is good, too much is not.
Aug 26, 2022 8:19PM
I think the old days were healthier.
Aug 23, 2022 6:27PM
Barb Beck
I grew up out in farm country(Utah). I would get on my bike right after breakfast and be gone the entire day. As long as I was home by dinner, my parents never worried. We played games outside, Fox & Geese Hide and Seek, Kick the Can with the neighbor kids. Yes, I still send old fashioned greeting cards . I like technology and use my I phone a lot ( more for texting than anything. I am certainly glad I grew up in decade that I did.
Aug 21, 2022 6:30PM
Nancy Mueller
Lakshman Kottachchi, if you’re a parent you should be mixing it up for the sake of your kids. My kids (41 & 37) are remarkably well-versed in iPhones, iPads, etc but they grew up playing from dawn to dusk OUTSIDE in the summer. I had them in sports programs and art classes on days when I needed them occupied so I could work. My grandparents attended concerts put on by the kids. Sure, I had a hard time working and caring for kids but they had a wide range of activities that got them outside and lots of reading and art and Legos and cards when weather made outside hazardous. I lived next door to my grandparents and my folks lived with us during the summers. It takes a village to give kids all the adventures they need as they grow. I was blessed to live near family and my kids were doubly blessed to have activities without and with technology. Be part of the village—have some fun!!
Jun 28, 2022 6:52PM


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