6 accidental discoveries that brought people tons of money

Some people you're going to read about now got lucky enough to find a couple hundred thousand dollars in their yard... Can anyone ever be luckier than that?

How lucky do you think we’d all be if we happened to stumble upon golden discoveries all the time? Yes, you guessed right, we’d probably all be extremely rich... but I don’t suppose luck works that way.

In today’s post, we’d be sharing famous lucky discoveries that made some lucky individuals rich.

What do you think about lucky discoveries? Which of the fortunate discoveries do you consider the best? Tell us in the comment section!

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Julie Domaille
I am so weirded out that ambergris is whale vomit and I have been spraying that o me all my adult life
Apr 17, 2021 5:35PM
James Williams
A man at Union Carbide in Ontario CA. found lumps in the bottom of one of their storage tanks. They were going to throw them out but he took them home and polished them and that was the start of Lindy star sapphires.
Apr 17, 2021 7:13PM
Raymond Cardona
The 5.5 kg of gold would probably be worth a lot more today. It’s currently trading over $2,000.00 per ounce on the stock market on this side of the “pond”!! Bonnie
Apr 21, 2023 4:17PM
I live by the sea and keep dreaming of finding ambergris, even though the thought of what it actually is makes me feel ill!
Jun 10, 2021 1:06AM
Rita Lawrence Edwards Meneses
James Williams, lots of those sold in South Charleston, WV, when Carbide had a huge plant there on the Kanawha River. They discovered antifreeze there because what they were dumping in the river wouldn't freeze. Carbide, FMC, Dupont, Monsanto were in the South Charleston area known as the Chemical Center of the World. Most of it gone now.
Apr 18, 2021 3:50PM
Some amazing discoveries! I could never be so lucky. I was always digging for buried treasure as a child & because the Kohokia trail ran threw our backyard, I found a lot of old Native American items. Arrow heads tomahawk, tools, etc. I amassed quite a hoard of Native American treasures which I thought was cool but not exactly treasure. It wasn't until an antique dealer came to our house looking to buy antiques that I realized it was indeed treasure. He paid my Mom & Dad several thousand dollars for the collection. After he left I held out my hand & my Mom said what are you doing? I said where's my share. Her & my Dad laughed but I was serious. It was I who spent hours digging for these treasures & in my mind they belonged to me. My parents didn't see it that way. Hahaha
Apr 18, 2021 10:24AM
Charlie Chase
Ambergris usually comes out of the other end.
Apr 17, 2021 7:36PM
bina sarmah
Right now I am looking in my backward to find something.
Apr 17, 2021 5:17PM
Leticia Olsen
🤗Amazing stories! We never know what’s your luck!!
Apr 17, 2021 5:03PM


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